{ "culture": "en-US", "name": "Increased_Wildfire_Danger_Areas", "guid": "38404CBA-3E34-4025-89BA-B78535B6DF6D", "catalogPath": "", "snippet": "Wildland Urban Interface/Intermix (WUI) shows areas in Clark County where there is an increased wildfire danger due to urban development occurring in areas once considered wilderness. Most areas are defined as being higher than 500 feet in elevation and at least one of the following conditions:\n\nSlopes exceeding 25 percent\nOutside of a fire protection district\nAs of 12/13/2019, Forest type vegetation is no longer included in the data layer; Permit Center technicians will determine this condition by viewing the most recent orthophotos\n\u200bOther areas are included by legal description (section, township and range).\n\nSee Clark County code 15.13 for the full ordinance, including mapping details: https://www.codepublishing.com/WA/ClarkCounty/html/ClarkCounty15/ClarkCounty1513/ClarkCounty1513.html\n\nThe features are coded with one of four classifications:\n\nExplicit text in ordinance\nMeets code criteria (has elevation > 500 ft and at least one of other criteria)\nOver 500ft, need further review (for forest type vegetation)\nNo mapping indicators\n\n\n\n\nWildland Urban Interface/Intermix (WUI) shows areas in Clark County where there is an increased wildfire danger due to urban development occurring in areas once considered wilderness. Most areas are defined as being higher than 500 feet in elevation and at least one of the following conditions:\n\nSlopes exceeding 25 percent\nOutside of a fire protection district\nAs of 12/13/2019, Forest type vegetation is no longer included in the data layer; Permit Center technicians will determine this condition by viewing the most recent orthophotos\n\u200bOther areas are included by legal description (section, township and range).\n\nSee Clark County code 15.13 for the full ordinance, including mapping details: https://www.codepublishing.com/WA/ClarkCounty/html/ClarkCounty15/ClarkCounty1513/ClarkCounty1513.html\n\nThe features are coded with one of four classifications:\n\nExplicit text in ordinance\nMeets code criteria (has elevation > 500 ft and at least one of other cr\n\n", "description": "Layerfile Name: \\\\olympus\\gisdata\\clarkgis\\avdata\\layers\\clarkview\\permitting\\wildfire danger area.lyr\nlayer is based on theWildland Urban Interface/Intermix Ordinance", "summary": "Wildland Urban Interface/Intermix (WUI) shows areas in Clark County where there is an increased wildfire danger due to urban development occurring in areas once considered wilderness. Most areas are defined as being higher than 500 feet in elevation and at least one of the following conditions:\n\nSlopes exceeding 25 percent\nOutside of a fire protection district\nAs of 12/13/2019, Forest type vegetation is no longer included in the data layer; Permit Center technicians will determine this condition by viewing the most recent orthophotos\n\u200bOther areas are included by legal description (section, township and range).\n\nSee Clark County code 15.13 for the full ordinance, including mapping details: https://www.codepublishing.com/WA/ClarkCounty/html/ClarkCounty15/ClarkCounty1513/ClarkCounty1513.html\n\nThe features are coded with one of four classifications:\n\nExplicit text in ordinance\nMeets code criteria (has elevation > 500 ft and at least one of other criteria)\nOver 500ft, need further review (for forest type vegetation)\nNo mapping indicators\n\n\n\n\nWildland Urban Interface/Intermix (WUI) shows areas in Clark County where there is an increased wildfire danger due to urban development occurring in areas once considered wilderness. Most areas are defined as being higher than 500 feet in elevation and at least one of the following conditions:\n\nSlopes exceeding 25 percent\nOutside of a fire protection district\nAs of 12/13/2019, Forest type vegetation is no longer included in the data layer; Permit Center technicians will determine this condition by viewing the most recent orthophotos\n\u200bOther areas are included by legal description (section, township and range).\n\nSee Clark County code 15.13 for the full ordinance, including mapping details: https://www.codepublishing.com/WA/ClarkCounty/html/ClarkCounty15/ClarkCounty1513/ClarkCounty1513.html\n\nThe features are coded with one of four classifications:\n\nExplicit text in ordinance\nMeets code criteria (has elevation > 500 ft and at least one of other cr\n\n", "title": "Increased Wildfire Danger Areas", "tags": [ "Wildfire" ], "type": "Map Service", "typeKeywords": [ "Data", "Service", "Map Service", "ArcGIS Server" ], "thumbnail": "thumbnail/thumbnail.png", "url": "", "extent": [ [ -122.798690704463, 45.5402763576678 ], [ -122.229557504091, 46.0600762911572 ] ], "minScale": 0, "maxScale": 1.7976931348623157E308, "spatialReference": "NAD_1983_StatePlane_Washington_South_FIPS_4602_Feet", "accessInformation": "http://gis.clark.wa.gov/gishome/Metadata/?pid=metadata.layer&dbsID=373", "licenseInfo": "" }