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snippet: Layerfile Name: \\olympus\gisdata\clarkgis\avdata\layers\clarkview\parks and recreation\park access.lyr Park 'access points' used to drive the park service area modeling. Points are located near roads or trails that give access to a given park. layer file: \\olympus\gisdata\clarkgis\avdata\Layers\ClarkView\Parks and Recreation\Park Access.lyr metadata:
summary: Layerfile Name: \\olympus\gisdata\clarkgis\avdata\layers\clarkview\parks and recreation\park access.lyr Park 'access points' used to drive the park service area modeling. Points are located near roads or trails that give access to a given park. layer file: \\olympus\gisdata\clarkgis\avdata\Layers\ClarkView\Parks and Recreation\Park Access.lyr metadata:
extent: [[-122.773870457677,45.5579103196988],[-122.296328908592,45.9895881920166]]
accessInformation: Clark County WA
thumbnail: thumbnail/thumbnail.png
maxScale: 1.7976931348623157E308
typeKeywords: ["Data","Service","Map Service","ArcGIS Server"]
description: Access points to parks in Clark County, Washington.<div><br /><p><a href="" target = "_blank" >See Clark County Metadata</a>
licenseInfo: Clark County does not warrant the accuracy, reliability or timeliness of any information in this system, and shall not be held liable for losses caused by using this information. Portions of this information may not be current or accurate.
title: Map1
type: Map Service
tags: ["Parks","and","Recreation"]
culture: en-US
name: ParkAccess130000
guid: A3313CFF-EF33-4B67-A6F9-3D6E800747C4
minScale: 0
spatialReference: NAD_1983_StatePlane_Washington_South_FIPS_4602_Feet