ArcGIS REST Services Directory Login

Legend (Environmental/Floodplain)

FIRM Panels (30)
Flood Insurance Rate Map Locator Flood Insurance Rate Map Locator
Flood Zone Designation (29)
Floodway Floodway
Floodway Fringe Floodway Fringe
500 Year Flood Area 500 Year Flood Area
Area Not Studied Area Not Studied
Base Flood Elevation (31)
Flow Path (1)
Inlet/Outlet (2)
Unspecified Unspecified
Catch Basin Catch Basin
Curb Inlet Curb Inlet
Combination Inlet Combination Inlet
Field inlet Field inlet
Area Drain Area Drain
Downspout Downspout
Linear Inlet Linear Inlet
Riser Riser
Curb Cut Curb Cut
Discharge Point (3)
Flow Control (4)
Inlet Inlet
Manhole Manhole
Orifice Plate Orifice Plate
Weir Weir
Storage Treatment (5)
Energy Dissipater Energy Dissipater
Sediment Trap Sediment Trap
Oil/Water Separator API Type Oil/Water Separator API Type
Debris Barrier Debris Barrier
Detention Pond Detention Pond
Infiltration Basin Infiltration Basin
Treatment Wetland Treatment Wetland
Buried Wet Vault Buried Wet Vault
Closed Detention Closed Detention
Drywell Drywell
Open Top Drywell Open Top Drywell
Sand Filter Vault Sand Filter Vault
Infiltration Trench Infiltration Trench
Open Filter Open Filter
Porous Pavement Porous Pavement
Sheet Flow and Concentrated Dispersion Sheet Flow and Concentrated Dispersion
Amended Soils Amended Soils
Preserved Natural Vegetation Preserved Natural Vegetation
Vegetated Roof Vegetated Roof
Wet Pond Wet Pond
PreSettling Cell PreSettling Cell
Manhole (6)
Standard Standard
Sedimentation Sedimentation
Hydrodynamic Hydrodynamic
Spill Control Spill Control
Pump (7)
Pump Pump
Fitting (8)
Cleanout Cleanout
Plug Plug
Reducer Reducer
Tee Tee
Valve Valve
Unknown Unknown
Media Cartridge (9)
Connections (10)
Field Locations (11)
Stormwater Stormwater
Digitized Digitized
Other Agency Other Agency
Source Not Defined Source Not Defined
Stormwater (Inactive) Stormwater (Inactive)
GPS (Inactive) GPS (Inactive)
Digitized (Inactive) Digitized (Inactive)
Other Agency (Inactive) Other Agency (Inactive)
Source Not Defined (Inactive) Source Not Defined (Inactive)
Channel/Culvert (12)
Ditch Ditch
Culvert Culvert
Basic Biofiltration Swale Basic Biofiltration Swale
Wet Biofiltration Swale Wet Biofiltration Swale
Filter Strip Filter Strip
Stream Stream
Flow Path Flow Path
Gravity Main (13)
Inline Storage Inline Storage
Inline Storage (perf) Inline Storage (perf)
Stormline Stormline
Stormline (perf) Stormline (perf)
Overflow Overflow
Dummy Dummy
other other
Facilities (14)
County, PW Road Operations County, PW Road Operations
County, General Services County, General Services
County, PW Parks County, PW Parks
Private Private
City City
City, Private City, Private
State State
Gravity Main - City (16)
Channels - City (17)
Storm Treatment - City (18)
Plug - City (19)
Manhole - City (20)
Flow Control - City (21)
Discharge - City (22)
Catch Basin/Inlet - City (23)
Unknown - City (24)
Stormwater Point (26)
Stormwater Line - Clark County (27)
Storm Lines - includes cities (28)