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Item Information

snippet: Neighborhood Park Service Areas show the area served by each neighborhood park within Clark County. The service areas surround each park are a defined by a 1/2 mile travel distance (road / trail) from each park's set of access points. If service areas of multiple parks overlap, overlapping areas are assigned to the service area of the closest park. This layer is shared 'by reference' and is still under development.
summary: Neighborhood Park Service Areas show the area served by each neighborhood park within Clark County. The service areas surround each park are a defined by a 1/2 mile travel distance (road / trail) from each park's set of access points. If service areas of multiple parks overlap, overlapping areas are assigned to the service area of the closest park. This layer is shared 'by reference' and is still under development.
extent: [[-122.756274694412,45.5628268123597],[-122.30735517589,45.8822099515276]]
thumbnail: thumbnail/thumbnail.png
maxScale: 1.7976931348623157E308
typeKeywords: ["Data","Service","Map Service","ArcGIS Server"]
description: For complete metadata details see:
title: Neighborhood_Park_Service_Areas___No_Overlap
type: Map Service
tags: ["parks","test","park service areas"]
culture: en-US
name: Neighborhood_Park_Service_Areas___No_Overlap
guid: 05D63C2B-7248-4CA8-9C1B-8454D07F4473
minScale: 0
spatialReference: NAD_1983_StatePlane_Washington_South_FIPS_4602_Feet