Index of Map Sites
Bookmark your favorite map from the following links.
Administrative Boundaries
Current administrative boundaries for cities, neighborhoods, tribal lands, zipcodes, census, electoral, legislative, public safety, schools, taxing districts, and utility districts
Annexations and Public Property
Annexation history, annexation plans, County lands, and building/land development permits
Assessor Field App
Comprehensive Growth Management Plan
Comprehensive Growth Management Plan
Development Review
Map layers used in property development review process
Endangered species, priority habitats, geologic hazards, groundwater elevation, soils, floodplains, wetlands, watersheds, and other environmental constraints
Environmental Public Health
Food/WRAP inspector districts, WRIA boundaries, septic systems, sewer/water utilities, wellhead zones, and wellhead protection areas
Land Records
Taxlots, current and historical aerial photography, recent property sales, encumbrances, annexations, subdivisions, and PLSS boundaries
Parks and Recreation
Parks, historic sites, trails, golf courses, and legacy lands
Permits and Site Plans
Building, development, and utility permits; TIR documents, site plan review, critical aquifer recharge areas, archaeological predictive model, wildland urban interface, septic systems, landfills, and wells
Surveyor's Office Records and Plats
GPS/survey control, monuments/benchmarks, recorded/unrecorded surveys, Bin projects, taxlots, and PLSS boundaries
Transportation System
Clark County transportation system, truck and bike routes, railroads, right of way, TIF districts, and transportation projects
Utilities site for Public Works
Zoning and Comprehensive Plan
Comprehensive and Zoning Plan designations, Vacant lands, and other planning-related map layers